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ColoradoMarijuana Lawyers in Boulder County, Colorado

Leonard I Frieling

Leonard I Frieling
Leonard I. Frieling, P.C.
702 Sedge Way By appointmet only
Lafayette, CO 80026
Lenny Frieling has been defending those facing criminal charges in Colorado since 1976. Now Senior Counsel Emeritus for Dolan & Zimmerman, B... read more >
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Leonard I Frieling
Lifetime Member,
Legal Committee

About Boulder County

Find an Attorney in Bolder, CO

The Metropolitan Lawyer Referral Service - The MRLS is sponsored by several local bar associations including the Boulder County Bar Association. Since 1972, the MLRS has helped individuals and businesses during their search for an attorney in Boulder, Colorado. This non-profit and community based service screens local attorneys for their experience and good standing with the Colorado State Bar. The advantage of using a lawyer referral service includes the ability to talk with a trained staff person, pay a $75 consultation fee and receive an impartial referral to a local attorney with experience for that type of case.
